CBAM Consultancy Package


The European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) came into force in 2023.

It applies to European importers of products in the following categories: Cement, Iron & Steel, Aluminium, Fertiliser and Hydrogen.

When importing, the EU importer of record is now legally responsible for providing information to the EU about the Carbon Impact of their imported products.

The problem

UK suppliers will have a commercial responsibility to provide accurate information to their EU customers.

Default reference values can only be used until July 2024.

It's crucial to act promptly to prepare for accurately providing information to your EU customers. 

The solution

ChamberCustoms offers a consultancy package where one of our experts will assist you every step of the way:  

  • One of our experts will visit your premises.

  • They will work with your team to understand your production processes, the carbon impact of each process and how this can be apportioned to the products you process. 

  • The result will be a CBAM monitoring and reporting approach that you will be able to implement to provide your customers with accurate and precise information. 


  • Provide your EU customers with the information they need to be compliant.

  • Reduce the hassle for your EU customers when importing UK products.

  • Identify areas to improve your emissions, making your product cheaper to import into the EU.

  • Prepare to be compliant with the upcoming UK CBAM legislation.

Who are we

  • ChamberCustoms is wholly owned by the British Chamber of Commerce.

  • Our consultants are experienced in all aspects of compliance in international trade.

  • We harness the reach, expertise and knowledge of a network of experts in 52 Chambers across the country.

What our Customs Consultancy customers say:

“We cannot recommend Chamber Customs highly enough. They were very professional, friendly, supportive, extremely knowledgeable and very efficient.
From the time we made contact with them to receive our report, and our follow up meeting, they kept us informed at every stage.
If anyone is looking for guidance and advice regarding customs procedures, then ChamberCustoms are the people to call.”
— For and on behalf of SSI Schaefer Ltd

If you are looking for a customs clearance agent to file customs declarations on your behalf and keep you trading compliantly, you might be looking for our Customs Clearance service, find out more here:

If you are looking for Customs Training Courses from our industry expert trainers, you can find these here: