Don’t bury your head in the sand about CDS!

The impending switchover from CHIEF to CDS isn’t as scary as it sounds.

If your business trades overseas, you will undoubtedly have heard about the forthcoming migration of government systems, from the 30-year-old CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight) to the new digital CDS (Customs Declaration Service).

You may also have heard that, as so many businesses have buried their head in the sand, the date for migration has been extended by one month!

For imports, the switch over will now be 30 October 2022 and for exports it will still be 31 March 2023.

We understand that getting to grips with these major system changes might feel daunting, especially since any errors could cause delays.  As such we have created a handy five step checklist to help you get ready.

We’ve also created specific CHIEF to CDS training courses to help you move over to the new system without a hitch.

However, for those businesses who don’t have the time, or expertise, to manage all the implications of this change themselves, ChamberCustoms can also help. 

Our experts spend their days advising businesses on how to manage their customs paperwork and can help you update your internal processes to the new CDS system.

For your confidence, we harness the reach, expertise and knowledge of the British Chambers of Commerce network across the UK to offer an unbeatably fast, reliable and compliant digital service.

For an initial conversation please follow the link below and one of our friendly team will get back to you.

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