Meet the team - our Freshdesk Assistant & EXabler Guru, Steve

Meet the Team

This week we learn more about our Freshdesk Assistant & EXabler Guru, Steve. Read on to find out what advice Steve would give to exporting businesses, what part of his job gives him a ‘real buzz’ and of course his adorable feline companions!

Question time!

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name’s Steve and I was introduced to the Chamber network back in 2019 through the Shropshire Chamber of Commerce, helping local traders prepare for the Big Brexit.

Now I’m lucky enough to work with another great team, supporting customs agents across the UK and a wide variety of businesses trading globally.


What do you do at ChamberCustoms?

As well as working on projects and showcasing our EXabler platform, I support our customs teams across the network with any technical customs queries or issues that may come up. Supporting such a large range of businesses brings a wide variety of requirements!

What’s your favourite bit about your job?

Finding a solution to a problem has always been a real buzz. And as you can imagine, working in this field brings plenty of opportunities to do that.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about customs clearance?

That letting the overseas customer or supplier handle everything is the best way to do international trade. Even when those goods leave your door, as the exporter of record you are still responsible for ensuring some things are done correctly. No one wants that call from HMRC!


What advice would you give a business which is considering exporting overseas?

Speak to a customs expert you can trust whose focus is not just getting it done but getting it done right. Not only that but train yourself and train your staff as much as you can and then some more. The more they know the more your business will benefit from that knowledge.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

Outside of work, I’m a bit of a music and tech geek. Generally, the more obscure the music the better but I’ll always give anything a listen.

Bilbo and Pippin of the (Shrop)Shire